I’m working on artworks for my upcoming short story collection and using different AI generators and synthetic neural networks including Midjourney and Ostagram to create my images. I am using text from the short stories to generate images. The process also involves a ton of work with Photoshop, Filter Forge and the drawing tablet.
Working with these new AI technologies is pretty mind blowing at times, frustrating at other time, and as of now, it’s still a conversation between artist and AI, still a collaboration. It’s evolving super fast though and I look to the future with both excitement and trepidation.
In a world where anyone can write a prompt that generates an artwork, a piece of music, a photograph, or video (yes the video generators are here and close to being accessible), what is the point of the artist as we know the term? Conversely, do we end up in a world where everyone is an artist?

My new short story collection is coming later this year from House of Zolo.